U slučaju pukotina širine veće od 0.5 mm, bitno je reagovati odmah, kako penetracija vlage ne bi dovela do velike štete na fasadi.
A facade with cracks with a width greater than 0.5 mm should be completely rendered and the a new facade finish should be applied.
Skinite oštećene delove sa površine.
Nanesite sanacioni malter Baumit MultiWhite i postavite mrežicu.
We check the crack width by means of a calibrated tool and remove the peeling parts from the surface using a spatula. Brush or pressure wash the dusty and dirty facade. If the facade still has other deficiencies, it is necessary to remove them first.
See: Render preparation
Prepare tools or Baumit MultiWhite renovation render for a complete repair of a facade with inactive cracks wider than 0.5 mm.
Put the content of the Baumit MultiWhite into about 6.0 L of clean water. Stir well with a hand-held electric stirrer for homogeneous mass without lumps. After 5 minutes of rest, stir again. Processing time: approx. 1.5 hours.
Apply Baumit MultiWhite to the surface of the facade using a toothed smoothing tool. Place a fiber glass lattice onto the fresh render, e.g. Baumit StarTex with 10 cm of overlapping. Subsequently, wipe the surface of the render so that the reinforcement is not visible. Reinforcement layer thickness 3 - 5 mm.
Before finishing the facade, apply the coat in two layers. After slight drying of the first layer, apply the second thin layer and after sufficient drying, treat the surface structure by a polystyrene, felt or foam smoother.
No soon than after 3 days we apply a uniformly mixed facade paint to the surface of the render, e.g. Baumit StarColor, NanoporColor. Baumit facade paint may also be applied using airless spraying. It allows fast and even application of the facade paint in a short time even on large uniform surfaces.
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